Hum Your Way to Health: How humming strengthens your body’s defenses against respiratory threats

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As COVID-19 continues to evolve, new variants like XCC pose ongoing challenges to our health and economy. Our bodies have two main defense systems: the quick-acting innate immune system and the more specialized adaptive immune system. While COVID vaccines have initially increased our adaptive immunity, they are now not as effective against new variants. This is where strengthening our innate immune system becomes crucial.

One simple yet powerful way to boost our innate immunity is through humming. This easy, everyday activity can increase the production of nitric oxide in our nasal passages, helping to create a stronger barrier against viruses. By understanding how humming supports our immune system, we can add another tool to our health toolkit. Let’s explore the benefits of humming and how to make it part of our daily routine to stay healthier in the face of ongoing health challenges.